Section: Dissemination
Participation in Conferences and Workshops
Invited Talks
- D. Coudert
Presentation on Energy efficiency in backbone and backhaul networks at Journées du pôle Systèmes de Communications Sécurisées, Sophia Antipolis, January 24, 2012;
- F. Giroire:
Workshop Franco-brésilien de Graphes et Optimisation Combinatoire, Redonda, Brazil (April 16-20, 2012);
- F.Havet:
Birmingham workshop on Probabilistic methods in Graph theory, Birmingham, U. K. (March 25-29, 2012); Workshop Franco-brésilien de Graphes et Optimisation Combinatoire, Redonda, Brazil (April 16-20); SIAM Discrete Mathematics Conference, Halifax, Canada (June 18-21, 2012); Bordeaux Graph Workshop, Bordeaux, France (November 21-24, 2012) (Plenary Speaker);
- N. Nisse:
GRASTA'12, Banff, Canada (October 8-12, 2012); IMSA seminar, Univ. Adolfo Ibanez, Santiago, Chile (August 10th, 2012).
Participation in Scientific Meetings
- COA:
first meeting of GT Complexité et Algorithmes, Paris (November 21-22, 2012). Attended by N. Nisse and S. Pérennes;
First year review meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium (January 13, 2012). Attended by A. Lancin, D.Coudert; WP2 technical meeting, Bordeaux, France (March 8-9, 2012). Attended by A. Lancin, B. Li, N. Nisse; Plenary meeting and Technical Advisory Board meeting, Ghent, Belgium (June 5-8, 2012). Attended by D. Coudert, A. Lancin, and N. Nisse; 2nd year review meeting, Sophia Antipolis, France (October 19, 2012). Attended by D. Coudert, A. Lancin, and N. Nisse; Plenary meeting and Technical Advisory Board meeting, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (December 10-12, 2012). Attended by A. Lancin and N. Nisse;
- Evaluation seminar:
Evaluation of the Mascotte project-team at the evaluation seminar of the research theme Networks and Telecommunications of Inria, Paris, France (March 21-23, 2012). Attended by most of the MASCOTTE permanent members (speakers: D. Coudert, F. Havet, J. Moulierac, N. Nisse);
- FET:
Meeting to prepare a FET2012 "Mobilizing the Cloud: Enabling Multi-User Mobile Outsourcing in the Cloud", Geneva, Switzerland (Januay 12-13, 2012). Attended by J.-C. Bermond and S. Pérennes;
ANR Gratel meeting, Bordeaux, France (November 20, 2012). Attended by J. Araujo (speaker), A. K. Maia and F. Havet (speaker);
- Lip6:
Networks Optimization Days, Paris, France (November 30, 2012). Attended by A. Kodjo;
- Mascotte Days:
Mascotte project annual seminar, Lac de Sainte-Croix, France (May 10-11, 2012). Attended by most of the Mascotte members;
- ResCom:
10th Journées du Pôle ResCom du GDR ASR, Paris, France (November 28-29, 2012). Attended by D. Coudert, A. Kodjo, A. Lancin (speaker), F. Z. Moataz (speaker) and I. Tahiri (speaker);
End of project assessment meeting, Paris, France (July 12, 2012). Attended by S. Pérennes;
TREND Network of Excellence meeting, Volos, Greece (October 1-5, 2012). Attended by L. Chiaraviglio and F. Giroire.
Participation in Conferences
- Alan Turing's Heritage:
Special event on How Turing's machine changed the world, Lyon, France, July 2-4, 2012. Attended by D. Coudert;
- AlgoTel:
14th Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, La grande Motte, France (May 29th - June 1st, 2012). Attended by C. Caillouet, D. Coudert, A. Lancin, N. Nisse (speaker);
- BGW:
Bordeaux Graph Workshop, Bordeaux, France (November 21-24, 2012). Attended by J. Araujo (speaker), F. Havet (invited speaker), A. K. Maia and R. P. Soares (speaker);
8th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT) Student Workshop, Nice, France (December 10-13, 2012). Attended by F. Z. Moataz (speaker) and T. K. Phan (speaker);
- ECT:
ECT Workshop spectral properties of complex networks, Trento, Italy (July 23-27, 2012). Attended by J. Galtier and M. Toko Worou (speaker);
Workshop at Fire, Aalborg, Denmark (May 9, 2012). Attended by A. Lancin;
- FUN:
6th International Conference on FUN with Algorithms, Venice, Italy (June 4-6, 2012). Attended by J.-C. Bermond and F. Giroire (speaker);
- GOC:
Workshop Franco-brésilien de Graphes et Optimisation Combinatoire, Plage Redonda, Ceará, Brésil (April 16-20 2012). Attended by J. Araujo, F. Giroire (speaker), F. Havet (speaker), A.K. Maia, N. Nisse, R. Pardo Soares and L. Sampaio Rocha;
5th Workshop on GRAph Searching, Theory and Applications, Banff, Canada (October 8-12, 2012); Attended by N. Nisse (speaker) and R. Pardo Soares;
39th International Colloquium Automata, Languages and Programming, University of Warwick, UK (July 9-12, 2012). Attended by B. Li (speaker);
- JDG:
Journée Thématique "Dynamique des Graphes", Paris, France (July 10th, 2012). Attended by J. Araujo and M. Toko Worou;
- JGA:
14èmes Journées des Graphes et Algorithmes, Clemont-Ferrand, France (November 14-16, 2012). Attended by J. Araujo (speaker), B. Li (speaker), A. K. Maia (speaker), F. Z. Moataz and R. P. Soares (speaker);
- LIRMM en fête pour ses 20 ans:
Scientific event for celebrating the 20 years of the LIRMM, Montpellier, France, July 12. Attended by D. Coudert;
- Networking:
IFIP TC6 Networking, Prague, Czech Republic (May 21-25, 2012). Attended by T. K. Phan (speaker);
26th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, Zhangjiajie, China (July 15-19, 2012). Attended by A. Lancin (speaker).
Participation in Schools
- 11ème JCALM:
11èmes Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen, Sophia Antipolis, France (February 16th - 17th, 2012). Attended by most of the Mascotte members (speakers: J. Araujo, F. Havet, A. Kodjo, A. Lancin, L. Sampaio);
- 12ème JCALM:
12èmes Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen, Montpellier, France (October 11th - 12th, 2012). Attended by J. Araujo and A. K. Maia;
- Ecole management Inria
Paris, France (March 28-30 and June 13-14, 2012). Attended by D. Coudert;
L'Ecole de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique, Ile de Ré, France (Mars 26-30, 2012). Attended by A. Lancin, R. Modrzejewski, L. Sampaio and I. Tahiri;
Numerical Analysis Summer School 2012 Stochastic Optimization, Cadarache, France (June 25th- July 6th, 2012). Attended by B. Li.
Summer School on Social Media Modeling and Search, Fira, Santorini, Greece (September 10-14, 2012). Attended by M. Toko Worou;